This is a prequel rather than a sequel to The Anarchist Revelation and draws together various bits of writing I've done over the last few years.
There are some newer pieces, including the introduction. The article on state terrorism will be new to most readers, as well.
Here's what the publishers, Winter Oak Press, have put up on their site...
A new collection of writing by Paul Cudenec has been
published by Winter Oak Press.
Antibodies, Anarchangels and Other Essays brings together a
selection of work by the author of The Anarchist Revelation, published earlier
this summer.
Cudenec calls for a new deeper level of resistance to
global capitalism - one which is rooted in the collective soul not just of
humankind but of the living planet.
He leads us along the intertwining
environmental and philosophical strands of Antibodies, through the passion of
Anarchangels and The Task and on to a cutting analysis of Gladio, a
state-terrorist branch of what he calls the "plutofascist" system.
Also included, alongside short pieces on Taoism and Jungian psychology, is an
interview with the author, in which he explains key aspects of his approach.
Peter Marshall, author of Demanding the Impossible: A
History of Anarchism and Nature's Web: An Exploration of Ecological Thinking,
has described Antibodies as “very readable and profoundly thoughtful... Many
new insights on the destructive relationship between the greater part of
humanity and the planet which tries to sustain them".
Antibodies, Anarchangels and Other Essays is 154 pages long
and is available at £7.99 in the UK, $11.99 in the USA and Euros 9.62.
The Kindle version can be had for a special price of just
77p in the UK, $1.18 in the USA and 0.89
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